Meeting Minutes

Board Members

Christine Laliberte, Brooks Barth, Nikki Ricks



Speakers or Guests


Action Items

NR - Update business spreadsheet for us to sign up

NR - Contact Robin to get the domain for the website

CL - Getting newsletter campaign ready, king farmers market

CL - Finalizing sponsorship tiers and what we send out to businesses


  • Organize letter and who will be reaching out to which business for the movie in the park tabling

  • Flyer refresh for Historical walking tours (Anjala 7/23, 8/6 & 8/27 @12pm, Doug 7/25, 31 & 8/28 10am start)

  • Sign Up Genius creation for walking tours

  • Any update on PPF grant? - Brooks

  • VNA community meeting July 20th


Movie in the park

Organize letter and who will be reaching out to what businesses. Finalizing sponsor options and how we do the tiered offering. Understand from Jud how it’s promoted by parks and rec

Do we want a flyer for this? August 18th

Nikki will get the spreadsheet updated.

Walking tour

Flyer refresh for Historical walking tours (Anjala 7/23, 8/6 & 8/27 @12pm, Doug 7/25, 31 & 8/28 10am start) - we can edit the pdf in Canva, email it around. Flyer + NextDoor worked well to share.

Sam has done work on reaching out to community groups - tap into that to get more people from the neighborhood. Did Doug and Angela share with networks last time?

Put on signup genius that ppl know that it’s the same tour as Fall 2021 - Brooks will refill

Have someone from VNA to be there for each tour, for sign-ups and plugging VNA

In the reminder email for where the location is disclosed, walks are free of charge, but perhaps this could be a place where we ask for donations and direct ppl to the paypal or maybe at the “thanks for attending” email

PPF grant

Brooks hasn’t heard back yet

VNA community meeting July 20th

It’s the summer, are people going to show up?

Timothy LeMaster - state representative - 5 minutes - with time for questions

Have Anjala and Doug come

Send to Hey Neighbor


Putting the paypal donation to website, newsletter


Talked about switching from one pager to SquareSpace. We have a grant from NECN for $500, one pager is $80, squarespace is $168

Domain is through Robin Stevens - how do we switch the domain and transfer and pay for ourselves - Nikki is looking into this


Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes